What font does fallout use
What font does fallout use

In hoc signo taurus vinces: under the sign of the bull you will win an adaptation of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great's motto "In hoc signo vinces" incorporating the symbol of the Caesar's Legion, meaning that only those under the banner of the Caesar's Legion will win.Honestas, Industria, Prudentia: Honesty, Industry, Prudence three virtues of slaves of the Caesar's Legion.Et cetera: Latin expression that means and other things or and so forth abbreviated as etc.It is a combination of political, military, and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.

what font does fallout use

  • Divide et impera: divide and conquer, an expression coined by the Roman military and political leader Gaius Julius Caesar.
  • Dissolute: from the Latin dissolutus, an immoral, degenerate person a term used to refer to people who are not members or subjects of the Legion.
  • Every tenth man steps forward and is beaten to death by his comrades, instilling a robust obedience. The Legate step to beat the failed commander to death in front of his assembled troops and after orders the decimatio.
  • Decimatio: decimation derived from Latin meaning "removal of a tenth", it was a form of military discipline used by officers in the Roman Army to punish mutinous or cowardly soldiers, used by the Legate in the Caesar's Legion against legionaries of an undisciplined officer.
  • Many legionaries will attempt to assassinate those declared in damnatio memoriae as a sign of loyalty to the Legion. This is only given to those who aid and abet known enemies of Caesar's Legion. A declaration on a person or group that marks them as an enemy of Caeser's Legion in perpetuity.
  • Damnatio memoriae: condemnation of memory used to denote archenemies of the Legion, slated for elimination and erasure from history.
  • what font does fallout use

    Cedo Nulli: I yield to no one, spoken by the Silus by passing an intelligence check.Capture, Captures: a term for persons that were captured during Legion raids and have yet to be trained into proper slaves.Caesar dictator: dictator Caesar or absolute ruler Caesar used as an inscription in the Legion denarius.Amicus: friend used to refer to an trusted independent ally of the Legion.Aeternit imperi: eternal authority referring to the perpetual authority of Caesar on the Legion and used as an inscription in the Legion aureus.

    What font does fallout use